SHIRT:- vintage, TROUSERS:- Topshop, JACKETS:- vintage, SHOES:- Dr Martens, EARRINGS:- Topshop.
Hello all, look at this another blog post four days after my last one instead of 2 weeks!! I feel I'm doing quite well today. I've just tried to add at least 5 emojis in them two sentences, this iPhone business is taking over my life. *thumbs down emoji*. Just kidding, but imagine if I did do that throughout this whole post....
Here is half of the new tattoo I am working on. A hamsa hand. These are so pretty and the meaning they stand for is amazing as well, for protectiveness, I also have the evil eye in this one as well. The top half isn't done so that while be shown in due time ;)
But let's go to the major change in these pictures, my glorious new hair cut!! Yes I went and got the lot chopped off, well half. Honestly they weridest part is having the fringe back and the shaved part is just soooooo soft, I'm touching it all day and as I write. I feel rather edgy right now;) and I may as well use the plait that was cut off in my final major project... Just imagine that!
I shall leave you now as I must go for a run, I haven't been in a while so I may come one crawling, wish me luck *that weird face that is smiling and crying*