
So this is how I spend my time, just a little showing off here really ;) Recently I had the opportunity to design for the lovely people at Yours Clothing; the next Spring/Summer (15). And these are the final boards for the collection, do excuse the mess behind the scenes. This collection was based on the trend prediction which I researched for the year to come, best be keeping your eyes open because some of the trends that I found were a little eccentric, like neon colours with pastels - a little rough around the edges. Then looking in to the competitors to understand what the plus size industry was all about, in doing this I was able to accept how hard it is for some women to find clothes which flatter their bodies, the plus size industry offers this help and it was an amazing experience to complete this as it made me appreciate clothing more, being less blind-slighted by the masculine figure, which most crave, it allowed me to understand body shapes and how the clothing must be adapted to allow everyone to feel comfortable within their own skin. Like the addition of a short, sheer sleeve to cover the tops of the arms (to be fair I'm not a big fan of the arm loving movement). This was the basis for my collection, to cater for everyone (like Yours who always have the three main target audiences, younger, older and then the mother), as well as being able to layer and having a garment which matched another in the store; nothing is more tedious then seeing a beautiful shirt and then realising that there is nothing to match with it, walking home crying and empty handed (maybe not a drastic), but it still breaks your heart, if not mine id breaking for you. All of this work was produced on Photoshop, even down to the prints - quite dashing if I don't say so myself - I won't bore and go too technical on you but it did take some doing - my eyes are definitely paying the price. It was a great privilege to understand how the industry works and I am one of the few that are able to do this through college. Everyone get your butts on to Yours website and have a little peek, their clothing is beautiful, my mum is a frequent buyer and I wear half of her wardrobe, so I am as well :D 
oooo and check out their new tv ad campaign  #HOWDOILOOK, so sassy.

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