Here are a few photo's to describe the summer which I have just been witness to... safe to say it has been eventfully..... fun.... Right from when my mum was dripping fence paint down my whole body to when I was in seeing Catfish and the Bottlemen at reading (it has taken me at least 2 minutes to stop the auto correct changing Bottlemen to Battlement, come on apple keep up!)
I must have looked like a dalmatian after we had finished painting that fence. My mum always has these crazy ideas that she wants the whole living room changing around or every single aspect of the garden changed, even down to the painting of the front garden fence. So the first days of my holiday were somewhat productive, covering myself in paint like every good artist should do once in a while to keep their sanity; or creativity? Oh yes I've been trying to regain my yoga and pilates practicing again.. that was going surprising well until I went on holiday and to reading - and lived off veggie burgers for the whole weekend... I keep looking back at the pictures trying to write this blog in some form of order but lets face it my brain has never been that straight forward. All I can see is the snapchat of me on the toilet; I can feel the tears coming just looking at it! I have never felt true happiness until I sat my bottom on a nice -somewhat clean- white toilet seat, instead of them things at the campsite. The only way to describe them is steps to a metal hole, they were good enough to put a little plastic rim so the smaller people would not fall through. But if a guy was peeing next to you, you could have been having a face to face conversation - the stalls were not that high. And if someone was doing a number 2, there was no way to soften that blow... well moving on from the toilet talk - something which seems to crop up quite regularly in my life... This blog post isn't even about that much fashion, trust me you do not want to see what i was representing through reading - especially after Modestep. Oh my word after the Catfish and the Bottlemen (the auto correct still hasn't caught on yet) I was dripping in sweat, some was not my own. As much as I loved every moment of their set it I had to leave that crowd, and a mission that turned out to be. I went on my own because all my other friends went to see Bring me the Horizon. So theres me tootling along made some nice new friends in the crowd and then all of a sudden all these 6ft guys surrounded me.. and when the band came on it went crazy, i was in the Modestep crowd earlier and i was fine being punched in the nose but having elbows digging in all around my body (i wasn't even chest height to some of the people around me). It took near enough 15 minutes to actually leave and even then that scary. This poor guy behind me was trying to help his friend and then saw me starting to cry and gave me a hug... If that guy is reading this now THANK YOU!!! so very much! After getting out there was no way i was missing the set, so i just stayed outside of the tent. But all i wanted to do was phone my mum and cry; i don't think i have ever been in a situation like that before - you are never too old for a caring phone call from the mothership... even when at uni...
Still want to see Catfish and the Bottlemen again!! I would recommend anyone to go and see them play live! Oh!!! I also saw this band called Sundara Karma... i have been obsessively listening to them every since watching them... downloading their ep off of iTunes as soon as i got wifi at Reading <--- check 'em out man... it will be the best decision you have done all day... in music terms.
This blog post could literally go on for ever! But everything good must come to an end, like Reading did a whole WEEK ago now. I must attempt to pack for uni and eventually complete this summer project. A mood board including my room and an old family photo.. well Brighton you asked for it...