SHIRT:- Topshop, DENIM JUMPSUIT:- Topshop, SHOES:- Clarks
After writing what I'm wearing I've realised all I wear is Topshop lately! Crazy crazy! Even when I'm not at work that day! But who am I to complain that most of my wardrobe is Topshop... Although that is very minimal right now. I have decided to try this capsule wardrobe trick, seen first on the Who What Wear blog. I can tell you now it is tough, I've never felt so bonded with a piece of clothing before, who knew how hard it would be hand over that all sequin mid length skirt... I've put that aside for my winter wardrobe, I wasn't quite ready to jack that one in altogether... I tried I really did. Especially with getting ready for uni, let's not even think about half of the things I will be leaving behind, so my mum can deal with the mess and not me, oh I love you dearly. I can imagine her reading thats and saying "ahaha, mate I don't think so!"
Let's talk about this jumpsuit thing, if that's what it can be called, as soon as this was delivered to work I was on that straight away. I just love the way it actually fits to my hips and waist and no bagging in each area, now that is a first! I sometimes wear it with out the shirt, however my belly was looking a little on the pale side of the skin tone today.. To save embarrassment I covered that baby up.
I have also tasked myself with making a few pieces to sell, to make the dollar for a poor student. I shall be blogging about that soon, however for now I shall leave you with these pictures. My sister, the photography, decided she wanted to take a sort of wonderland take on this adventure. I am taking in the landscape for my final 10 weeks in Peterborough.